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Emerald City : Alternative Metals

Alternative Metals Used in Creating Stunning Men’s & Women’s Jewelry

The Space Age has brought us some exciting, alternative metals to use in the world of fine jewelry.

Titanium and Tungsten are the two alternative metals that are favored by Emerald City Jewelers.

Titanium is a lustrous, durable metal that was first used by the aerospace industry because it withstands temperature extremes like those found in space, and is stronger than steel, but 45% lighter.

As an alloy, titanium can be colored, but its natural metal color is a silvery gray.

Titanium is inert, so it does not react to skin acids or common chemicals.

It was this skin-friendly hypoallergenic quality of titanium that made it attractive to jewelry manufacturers, along with its ease of fabrication and resistance to rough wear.

All of these attributes make titanium an ideal metal for men’s rings, watches and sports jewelry that is likely to be knocked around or worn daily.

So next time you’re looking for durable and beautiful jewels that are ahead of the common fashion, visit Emerald City Jewelers and let us show you the variety of innovative styles available in a Space-Age alternative metals.


If Titanium isn’t the alternative you are looking for why not consider a metal that’s 4 times harder than titanium?

Tungsten carbide, often just referred to as Tungsten, has been prized for its strength and durability.

Men’s rings made from tungsten are on average 10 times harder than 18k gold.

This metal also comes in a variety of colors ranging from silvers and grays to white and black.

The unparalleled strength and hardness of the Tungsten makes for very scratch resistant jewelry for both men and women.

Because Tungsten is a more affordable and durable jewelry option, it has been gaining some immense popularity.

Stop by our shop and see that there’s no better place for Tungsten jewelry in Cleveland, Ohio than Emerald City Jewelers.

Find your Alternative Metals at Emerald City

Whether you prefer Titanium or Tungsten, for all of your alternative metal and durable jewelry options, visit Parma’s most trusted jeweler, Emerald City Jewelers.

For those of you who don’t know, Emerald City Jewelers is also a Triton Jewelry dealer.

Feel free to visit their site at to see more designs and alternative metal options.

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